A Valentine's Hate List
>> Thursday, February 14, 2013
A Hate List?
Really? On Valentine's Day?
Yes. Really!
Hold on a
moment...What would you think of someone who hates arrogance, lying, deceit,
verbal, physical or sexual abuse, embezzlement, hurting innocent people,
manipulation, discrimination, cheating on one's spouse?
Would you like
to meet someone like that?
OK, maybe not.
But what if I
told you that person was not judgmental, is kind, gentle, and forgiving - what
Let me introduce
There are six
things the Lord hates;
seven that are
detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed
innocent blood,
a heart that
devises wicked schemes,
feet that are
quick to rush into evil,
and a man who
stirs up dissension among brothers.
To love well one
must be able to hate well. To hate the things that can harm a relationship,
destroy friendship, "stir up dissension among brothers." True love
asks, "What might harm this relationship? What can I do to make this
situation better?"
Jonathan & David? Jonathan hated his own father's evil enough to leave his
security, take a risk, and tell David the truth.
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